The new president of Bude WI, Cynthia May, welcomed 51 members to the April meeting.

The singing of Jerusalem was enhanced by the piano being played by the guest speaker, Luke Francis BEM.

The members were invited to sign up to join a multitude of upcoming events including: a county coffee morning, a Grenville Group meeting, many and various small special interest groups, a lunch at the Brendon Inn and a short activity holiday.

The president then introduced Bude Postmaster, Luke Francis BEM.

Luke gave an interesting and entertaining talk on the history of the post office.

He then judged the competition, which was an old postcard. This was won by Jackie Adams, second Gill Daniels and third Sue Cox. The flower competition was won by Brenda Dunstan, second Tina Latter and joint third Joan Trewin and Gill Grant.

The evening concluded with Cynthia thanking everyone for attending and wished them a safe journey home.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9, when the guest speaker will be a rider for the Cornwall Blood Bikes.

If you think you would enjoy joining a group of friendly ladies, be assured of a warm welcome.