SEVEN detached dwellings are set to be built on Dunheved Road, in Launceston.
Mr R Toghill applied for the permission from Cornwall Council, to build seven detached dwelling with associated infrastructure and landscaping on land south of Manaton, Dunheved Road, Launceston.
Five objections were raised by residents to the development.
Mr Andrew North said: “I have previously submitted comments on earlier application and the previous comments remain valid. My property boundaries with the proposed development. This boundary is an earth and stone wall with hedging on top and I would request that considerable care is taken to preserve this wall, not to undermine is foundations or stability. Noting that a 1.8m high fence is to be erected along the development side I would request that this is completed early in the development to provide some semblance of privacy and protection during and after the development.
“Protection zones have been erected around tree areas and we request that considerable caution be exercised by the developer not to damage the root stock of the remaining trees.
“I support the concerns expressed elsewhere regarding the line of trees along the boundary at the lower entrance whilst the access road is being constructed. These trees have already been damaged and may not survive further damage.”
Mr Simon Tranter said: “We live on Manaton Drive and at present there is a coppice which obscure the proposed development and according to the plans it looks like they will be removed. This will of course destroy our privacy from the aforementioned site. My objection is we do not wish for this coppice to be removed. If some do need to removed it is essential that as many as possible can be preserved.
“This also will give privacy to the new properties and leave some landscaping”
Other concerns raised by residents included concerns about damage to the soakaway and the impact of surface water drainage.
Launceston Town Council resolved to support the planning application, saying: “The Town Council support this application and request that Cornwall Council considers the public consultation responses as part of the decision process.”
The application was given conditional approval by Cornwall Council, which demanded the provision of a surface water management plan prior to development, protection of trees, boundary treatments and privacy screening.