CAMELFORD residents came together to enjoy a night of entertainment and celebration to mark 80 years since the D-Day landings.
The community came together for an evening of music from Callum Flew, speeches, fish and chips and other treats as part of the occasion.
Camelford Town Council thanked all those who took part in the organisation of the event in addition to residents for attending the event to mark the momentous occasion which helped to turn the tide of the fight in World War II.
Similar to other towns, at exactly 9.15pm, a beacon was lit as part of the ‘80 beacons’ initiative to mark the occasion.

A spokesperson for Camelford Town Council said: “Camelford Town Council would like to thank all those who helped with our D-Day 80 celebrations last night.
We’d like to thank Tregath Business Park for the cherry picker, Camelford WI for providing refreshments, Kirsty Ferguson for the amazing cake, Callum Flew for entertaining us all, Camelford clickers for the loan of the poppy wave and Peckish Fish and Chips for the supper deal.
“We would also like to thank those of you who came out to watch and the mayor, councillors & our hard working team of staff for putting this event together!”