A Women’s Guild have shown their support for a local health charity with a financial donation.

The first meeting for the St Giles on the Heath Women’s Guild 2023/24 programme was a talk by Tony Ewens from Devon Freewheelers (The Blood Bikes) about the work they do. At the end of the meeting the Guild presented Tony with a cheque for £486.80.

Devon Freewheelers are a charity that is totally funded by donations and fundraising, and they transport urgently needed blood and breast milk from a central source to other hospitals in the region. When he visited the Guild in St Giles, Tony was on his way to Bristol Royal Infirmary to collect some urgently needed breast milk for a premature baby in Derriford Hospital. All the riders are volunteers and usually have other jobs too.  

The money that the Guild raised will fund the Plymouth hub for a month’s worth of fuel. There are three other hubs in Devon, all providing the same essential service for no reward except a job well done.

A spokesperson said: “We presented Tony with a cheque for £486.80 and wished him a safe journey to Bristol and back to Plymouth at 8.15pm.”

If anyone would like more information about the Devon Freewheelers their website address is  www.devonfreewheelers.org.uk