By Adam Hilton

Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club race report – Sunday, May 12


Dave Perrett (Solo) got away first, still led after making the long beat to West in one tack and remained in front at the top of the course before the two–tacking but faster Lasers of Nathan Pollard (Full) and Jane Anderson (Radial) got past. 

The day had started sunny and windless but by noon the breeze had filled in and chosen to blow from the west. 

The second lap saw little change to the order, the winds a little light for the Dabbs and Pollard Bosuns or Vicki Duncalf’s Topper to make much of a race of it. 

On the last lap a lucky lift took the slow-starting Adam Hilton past Dave Perrett.

Results: 1 Jane Anderson (Laser Radial); 2 Nathan Pollard (Laser Full); 3 Adam Hilton (Solo); 4 Vicki Duncalf (Topper); 5 Dave Perrett (Solo); 6 John Dabbs and Roger Heasman (Bosun); 7 Brian Pollard and Liam Routley (Bosun).


DAVE Perrett repeated his excellent start. 

Sue Murray, officer of the day, had changed the start line but the shifting winds still enabled the lead boat to make West in one tack. The others needed two. 

But by the end of lap one the order was a familiar Pollard, Anderson, Perrett, Hilton and so it remained. 

Further back saw the two Bosuns engaged in internecine warfare, but Brian Pollard spoilt his leading position at the finish by forgetting the changed course and going the wrong side of the buoy.

Results: 1 Nathan Pollard (Laser Full); 2 Jane Anderson (Laser Radial); 3 Vicki Duncalf (Topper); 4 Dave Perrett (Solo); 5 Adam Hilton (Solo); 6 John Dabbs and Roger Heasman (Bosun); 7 Brian Pollard and Liam Routley (Bosun).

Thanks were given to race officer Sue Murray and to club photographer Mandy Pollard.