THERE was a disappointing weekend for both Bude Hockey Club’s senior teams on Saturday as they both fell to away defeats in the West Hockey League.

The men visited OPM for a top-of-the-table clash in Men’s Piran Division One, but found themselves 4-0 down at the break.

They did improve in the second half and scored through Tom Lush and Henry Gwynn-Thomas, but it wasn’t enough as they dropped to third following Camborne School of Mines’ victory.

The Ladies were also in Plymouth on Saturday and took on Ocean City in Women’s Division Two South.

In a see-saw encounter, which saw the visitors once again put in a better performance than the result suggests, the hosts grabbed a late winner to leave Bude languishing at fourth bottom.

The visiting goalscorers were Tammy Snowsill and Claire Pipe.

See this week’s paper for reports from both games.