Residents of Bude are soon to see a familiar sight once more as the town’s Storm Tower begins reassembly. 

The coastal town is now host to possibly one of the most delicate and precise jigsaw puzzles ever to be made, as the Compass Point Project takes its next step. 

The project, which has seen Bude’s iconic Pepper Pot dismantled has now entered its next stage, as with precision and dedication, the building blocks are slowly reassembled in the towers new home, some 200 metres further from the cliff edge. 

Each block has been meticulously labelled and mapped during disassembly, allowing the team to rebuild back into their original positions. 

With the base layer complete, the first tier of scaffolding has been erected, marking a significant milestone. Window frames are now also being carefully positioned. While the view from these windows may offer a different perspective, it promises to remain nothing short of spectacular.