DOGS have been banned from skate and play parks in Bude after a decision by Bude-Stratton town council.

During a recent full council meeting where a number of issues were discussed, it was decided that dogs would be banned from the public areas after a review.

A discussion was held on renewing public space protection orders, which includes dog-related concerns. With options for restrictions around schools and public spaces explored, dogs were banned from play parks and Bude skate park.

In addition, dogs will be required to remain on leads outside child education facilities including schools, playgroups and nurseries in the parish.

A spokesperson said: "A discussion on renewing Public Spaces Protection Orders included considerations about dog-related concerns. Options for restrictions around schools and public spaces were explored, leading to the decision to not allow dogs in play parks and Bude Skatepark, as well as requiring dogs to be on leads outside schools, playgroups, and nurseries in the parish."