POLITICIANS across the political divide have joined calls for urgent works to amend a notorious A30 junction following another fatal incident on May 2.

The A30 at Plusha has been at the centre of multiple incidents in recent years, leading to a 15-year-plus campaign to get Highways England to make the necessary alterations to prevent further tragedies.

While local Liberal Democrats and Conservatives are in agreement over the need for the junction to be re-worked, they have pointed the finger at each other for the reason it has not been done.

A meeting is set to take place this week between Conservative MP for North Cornwall Scott Mann and Highways officials about the junction, and had been scheduled prior to this week’s incident.

Mr Mann said: “Firstly, I must offer my condolences to the family of the man who lost his life on the A30. Two years ago, I launched a road safety campaign following several deaths on Cornwall’s main road.

“Although there are long term solutions that are being explored, in the short term, Highways England have consistently recommended that the crossover junction should be closed. I appreciate that this causes inconvenience for local people, but it would make the road safer.

“Unfortunately, the closure has been opposed at every opportunity by certain local councillors, who prefer to use the Plusha issue to score political points, rather than prioritise safety. Had the closure not been so strongly opposed over the past two years, the safety of the road would have been greatly approved.”

Councillor Adrian Parsons, the Cornwall Council member for Altarnun and Stoke Climsland, said: “It is with great sadness to hear there has been another serious accident at Plusha and I would like to offer my sincere condolences to all those who were involved and give my thanks to the emergency services and members of the public that rushed to help in such difficult circumstances.

“It is of the utmost importance that National Highways and our MP engage with the local community to deliver the necessary upgrade to provide a safe strategic road network that we can all be comfortable with.

“In recent times we have seen some second rate proposals floated around, which would offer no guarantee that the junction would be any safer and would in fact most likely cause further issues elsewhere on our rural roads.

“I think this would serve as a massive injustice to our community, who deserve much better, this situation has been going on for far too long now. One would hope others further up the line would be willing to put the work in and show some ability, to help us achieve our objectives to make the A30 a safe route for all road users.”