TWO towns came together this week to mark 40 years of twinning.  

Mayor of Launceston, Cllr Helen Bailey celebrated a very special occasion recently as she and other councilors met with Mayor Christian Jeffroy from French town Plestin Les Greves.  

For the last 40 years, Launceston has been twinned with Plestin Les Greves in north-western France. Recently, French and Cornish residents came together for a special event to celebrate the occasion.  

Organised by the Launceston and District Twinning Association, the evening offered wine, food and plenty of dancing, as 56 Plestin residents joned 70 twinners from Launceston in Launceston Town Hall for the evening.  

Mayor, Cllr Helen Bailey said: “I had a wonderful time judging the shop window competition with my French counterpart, the evening meal and speeches were excellent with us both taking the time to learn part of speeches in each other's language.”  

Following the success of this year’s event, some of Launceston’s twinning contingent hope to pay a visit to France next year.  

Cllr Bailey continued: “We exchanged gifts and celebrations went on late into the evening.  We are looking forward to the visit to France next year. The Launceston and District Twinning Association were fabulous hosts, and it has been a very successful group to still be running after 40 years.”