Nerves were aplenty in the Main Hall of Sir James Smith’s School, Camelford, on Thursday, as Year 11 pupils anxiously awaited their GCSE results. 

However, as the envelopes were opened the atmosphere turned to one of excitement and relief as students of all abilities realised they had achieved what they needed for their post-16 choices. 

Representatives from Cornwall College and Callywith College together with staff from Sir James Smith’s School were on hand to help explain what the results meant and congratulate some remarkable achievements. 

Headteacher, Kristien Carrington, said: “It’s lovely to see the reaction of parents and students as they see the outcomes that their efforts deserve and realise that all of that hard work has paid off.  The grades those pupils are looking at now are important and they are right to be pleased with what they have accomplished but those grades alone won’t determine their future. 

“We’re keen on making sure that all of our students understand where their own strengths lay and how important it is to have ambitions and goals to work towards.  We take great pride in all of our students regardless of whether they’ve achieved a hatful of 7s, 8s and 9s like Stan, Rowan, Milly, or Raphaella, or a clean sweep of 1s and 2s. Behind every set of results is a story of effort on the part of students, parents and teachers and I’m so proud of the work done here by everybody.  

“We have plenty of students who will now be able to go on to face exciting new challenges having overcome incredible hardships to get to this point.  That doesn’t happen without the dedication of some incredible colleagues or the drive and support of the students and parents themselves.”