The Environment Agency’s Fisheries Improvement Programme (known as FIP) has seen £25,853 of rod licence income invested in Devon and Cornwall projects over the last 12 months.

Local FIP projects across Devon and Cornwall in 2021/22 included work on the Rivers Deer and Claw.

The Environment Agency, working with the Westcountry Rivers Trust and local angling associations, used FIP funding to carry out a range of work to improve bankside habitats and increase trout and grayling numbers in the Deer and Claw, tributaries of the River Tamar.

The work has also created refuges for these and other fish, invertebrates and mammals.

The projects were delivered in collaboration with several different partners, including local angling clubs, rivers trusts and landowners.

The funding has helped to enhance fisheries, boost fish stocks and make improvements for anglers, angling facilities and the environment.