DIGGERS have moved in to carry out maintenance on Bude’s beloved Sea Pool.  

Onlookers might have gotten a fright this week as heavy machinery could be seen in around Bude’s Sea Pool on Summerleaze Beach.  

However, there is no need to worry, as Friends of Bude Sea Pool, who are in charge of the site, have reassured residents that this all part of planned annual maintenance.  

Every year work is undertaken to ensure that this 94-year-old structure remains safe and useable by residents and visitors to Bude. In the spring, workers move into the site and the pool is drained to allow for this essential maintenance, meaning the pool is out of action for up to two weeks.  

Contractors Michael Vanstone Groundworks plan the draining of the pool carefully to coincide with a spring tide and mild weather as work can only be carried out once the tide drops out past the pool. 

Firstly, the sluice gate has to be removed piece by piece so that the water will empty out then sand and rocks that build up on the bottom of the pool are dredged and removed, walls are checked and repaired, and all surfaces jet washed clean.  

Repairs are made to walls and any new equipment such as railings and anti-slip coatings are installed.  

A spokesperson from Friends of Bude Sea Pool said: “Our volunteers are also involved and help out with repainting safety lines, jet washing and repainting and repairing the beach huts.  

“It's a busy time for us and is a costly process which our team of volunteers work hard all year to raise funds for as we receive no government funding for the upkeep of the pool.” 

The team have even hinted that something new might be coming to the site. 

The spokesperson continued: “We have a new piece of kit being installed this year which we are very excited about but can't announce just yet so look out for some big news coming soon on our social media.”