A warm reception was laid on in Launceston today (August 24) for a man taking on an extreme challenge.

John Payne of Tiptree Essex is attempting to walk from John O' Groats (Scotland) to Lands End. His friends were eager to show their support and greeted him at Launceston Castle with beautifully decorated banners wishing him well on his journey and spurring him on.

The trek is 874 miles and usually takes people 60 to 80 days on average yet John has pushed himself extremely hard to do the journey at more than 30 miles per day for 30 days.

He is currently on target to reach Lands End on day 30 (this Friday). He has walked through some extremely hard terrains and been all-weather camping along the way with only two stays in B&B hotels in the 26 days so far.Fabrice Williams of Launceston, who helped organise the welcoming party, said: "John is a very good friend of over 20 years and we are very proud of his massive achievement. If I could’ve picked anyone to complete such a challenge John would’ve definitely been top of my list with his hard work passion dedication and will to keep going and complete whatever is thrown at him."

John has set up a GoFundMe page raising money for Parkinson’s disease, which his brother was diagnosed with early this year. So far he has raised nearly £2,000 towards the course. To support him visit www.gofundme.com/f/john-paynes-walk-from-john-o-groats-to-lands-end