Wear it Pink is one of the UK’s biggest and brightest fundraising events.

Every year thousands of people support Breast Cancer Now by dressing in their finest pink clothes or wackiest costumes to fundraise and help the charity fund world-class research and life-changing support.

2023 marks the 22nd year of Wear it Pink, which has raised over £39-million since it began in 2001.

Wear it Pink will take place on Friday, October 20, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Why wear it pink?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the UK. Every 10 minutes one woman is diagnosed with the disease and cases have increased by almost a quarter in the last 30 years. More people are affected by breast cancer than ever before, and they need Breast Cancer Now’s support.

Every pound raised by wear it pink could help fund a life-saving research breakthrough or give someone information they can rely on when they need it most.

It could also help drive forward Breast Cancer Now’s vital campaigning, to make sure everyone living with breast cancer gets the best possible treatment and care.

How to take part

On Friday, October 20, wear pink, raise money, and help fund life-changing breast cancer research and support. Sign-up today at www.wearitpink.org