A SELFLESS Bude resident is playing her part to support those in need by providing a new community asset.

Deacon Debbie Marsh has taken it upon herself to help feed those who may be struggling within the community through a new project. Over the last year, she has been collecting surplus food from local supermarkets to redistribute to those in need.  

Now, she has created a new way for struggling families and individuals to easily access this service without any shame, judgement or the need to discuss with anybody.  

The ‘Bread Shed’ provides a safe space for this excess food to be taken by those in need. 

Speaking to the Post, Rev Marsh explained: “For over a year now I have been collecting surplus food from the local supermarkets and every day have a large surplus of bread and pastries to give out so that it doesn't get wasted. 

“Because it took up a good part of my day, I had the idea to have a 'Bread Shed' located at the church which was accessible to anyone who would benefit. 

“So many people in our community are struggling with day to day cost of living, we know that the local food bank, who are amazing,  supply food parcels to so many families who are struggling, and the community larder who also supply surplus donations, so if having the shed is another recourse to enable people to put bread on the table then it was worth it.”  

The food storage space was donated to Rev Marsh’s cause by a local construction company. 

She continued: “Keir construction who have been working on the church site for the last eight months agreed to purchase and donate the shed for this use.”  

Since the shed’s creation, Rev Marsh says that the demand has been high from the community, with stock sometimes lasting less than a few hours.  

“Since day one, a couple of months ago, it went viral. The shed is stocked by around 10 am and by lunch time the stock has gone. Even so, now that people are queuing before I get chance to fill the shed,” she explained. “I have two members from the Methodist church who help me through the week to collect and fill, and I have someone at the weekend who is responsible for cleaning the shed.   

“Anybody can use the shed, it is all free and there are no restrictions. Our hope is that those that need it most are the ones that use it most. There is no charge for this because we didn't want anyone to be excluded because of cost.”  

Despite this good work, Rev Marsh hopes she can do more, with aspirations of creating another shed providing other necessary food items.