IT was a momentous occasion on March 14 when the Launceston Army Cadet Detachment became officially affiliated with their local branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL).

RBL President John Knights, chairman Paul Oliver MBE, Poppy Appeal Organiser Harry Colville and Youth Officer Dee Wade-Hall

2nd Lieutenant K Wade-Hall, Detachment Commander of Launceston told the Post: “It is not often you get the chance to witness the pride of an Army Cadet Detachment, as they receive their official Royal British Legion (RBL) Affiliation patch. But on Tuesday, March 14, Launceston Detachment did just that.

“I am 2nd Lieutenant Wade-Hall, Detachment Commander of Launceston, the most attended Army Cadet detachment in Cornwall. Before COVID, we started the process of Affiliation with the Launceston Branch of the RBL, cementing the links between Army Cadets and the Youth Section of the RBL.

“Post COVID, the paperwork complete and in the detachment’s temporary home, The Gateway Centre, members of the RBL personally handed the patches to each cadet, in front of detachment staff and parents. The President, John Knights (Major, retired), Chairman Paul Oliver MBE (Lt Col, retired), Poppy Appeal Organiser Harry Colville and Youth Section Representative Dee Wade-Hall.”

The Launceston detachment has a strong membership and have set their sites on becoming the largest unit in Cornwall’s history.

2nd Lt Wade-Hall continued: “In 2021 we were due to return to training at our detachment within Launceston College grounds, when the devastating news that the building was condemned and a whole re-build will be needed. Cadets have been in Launceston for as long as people can remember, and due to the town originally being a garrison town, the cadets have been on the land, and as the College expanded, the buildings have moved to the front of the college. As soon as we managed to locate a temporary home in the Gateway Centre, I waited, holding my breathe as the doors opened. Half a dozen on the first night, but within a year we were parading 40+ two nights a week. Colonel Paul Deakin looked into the history of Cornwall detachments, and Launceston has the second biggest attending cadets in Cornwall’s history, which he has now challenged me and the team to get to first, challenge accepted.

“So due to our history with Launceston, it’s only right the detachment affiliate with the Launceston branch. The cadets always attend Remembrance Sunday Parades and help with the Poppy Appeal. Our cadets will join thousands of cadets, past and present, wearing the patch with pride.”

For further information about the Army Cadets, visit (starting age from 12 years old).