POLICE have issued a warning for people to be vigilant after receiving reports of potential bogus workmen in the Delabole area.

It is reporting that two males dressed in uniform with the logo of a housing association attended an address unannounced claiming they were there to carry out an inspection at the property.

After speaking with the housing association it transpired that the men had no connection to the organisation.

A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said: “Devon and Cornwall Police have received a report of possible bogus workmen in the Delabole area on May 15. Two males dressed in uniform with the logo of a local housing association on their shirts attended an address unannounced advising the tenant they were to carry out a mould and damp inspection at the property.

“Nothing was stolen, but the following day when the tenant spoke with the housing association, it was established that there was no record of their staff attending the property or requiring to do so.

“Police are therefore reminding residents to check the identification and authenticity of any workers who come to their property, especially if not pre-arranged, and if needed, telephone the company before allowing access, to ensure they are genuine.”