Students at St Stephen’s Community Academy were treated to a visit from their local MP this week. 

Scott Mann, Conservative MP for North Cornwall, along with his office manager Rachel Beadle, came into the school to meet the children and discuss British government and his role within the system.

Rachel and Scott said that they were very impressed with the school’s provisions. 

Maura Furber, headteacher at the school said: “Scott and Rachel met the children, looked at our morning provision and were very impressed by the standard of teaching and learning throughout the school.”

During his visit, Scott also spoke to the older children about his role as a government Whip for the Home Office and Ministry of Justice. 

Students were also intrigued to hear about his early life in Wadebridge and what inspired him to take get into politics. 

Most importantly, pupils found out about some famous people he has met and that he’s a Pilgrim, supporting Plymouth Argyle!

Maura continued:“We were delighted that both our visitors also wore their jeans today as the school is celebrating Genes for Jeans Day. At St Stephens Community Academy we celebrate Individuality , Equality and Equity.”