A NEW group for under-fives and their parents or carers in the Holsworthy area has got off to a great start.

Holsworthy Methodist Church Stay and Play began at the end of January, and was inspired by a Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) meeting at Holsworthy Community College last autumn – one of several local initiatives sparked by this public conversation.

Stay and Play meets at the Bodmin Street chapel hall on Tuesdays in term time, from 9am till 11am. The morning starts with tea, coffee and toast on arrival, and there are lots of toys to play with, as well as a craft activity. Later in the morning there is snack time, and song time to finish the session.

There are between 14 and 21 children joining Stay and Play each week with their parents, grandparents and carers, and there are over 35 children registered with the group. Supported by a great team of volunteers, one of the organisers said that the first term has been fantastic.

Recent activities have included an Easter-themed morning, when the children and adults made and decorated Easter bags out of envelopes. The group then went into the Chapel, where there were lots of cards hidden around the building, with various coloured eggs printed on them. The children had to find six eggs of different colours and at the end of the morning they were able to exchange them for chocolate eggs – it was a good morning!

Holsworthy Stay and Play sessions are free, but donations towards costs are appreciated. For more information, please email [email protected]