HOLSWORTHY councillors have hosted a grand re-opening of the town following a mysterious closure.  

Councillor Jon Hutchings, and mayor Cllr Nigel Keneally put on their very best outfits, got out the red ribbon and their sharpest scissors to officially mark the ‘reopening’ of the town following work carried out by South West Water.  

Earlier in the week, ‘road closed’ signs began appearing around the town, pointing drivers towards a diversion which had them avoiding the town.  

With no warning, the signs left Holsworthy feeling quieter than would be expected in half term, despite much of the town remaining accessible. 

Councillor Jon Hutchings expressed his frustration with the signage, speaking to the Post, he said: “My problem isn’t the road works themselves, it’s the signage and diversion routes which divert round the town and basically mean the town is closed off to through traffic. 

“It’s half term! Why?  

“Traffic lights would solve the problem and keep the town open.”  

“For some reason they didn't put traffic lights up, no one seems to know why.”  

Mayor, Cllr Nigel Kenneally, added: “South west water closed the road to locate a leak, but due to their poor road traffic management, lack of communication and basic incompetence it appeared to the outside world that Holsworthy was closed.”  

However, now the road is reopened, Cllr Kenneally and Cllr Hutchings took the opportunity to have a bit of fun.  

Cllr Kenneally continued: “When they got around to fixing the problem and reopening the road myself and local businessman Jon Hutchings took it upon ourselves to have a grand reopening of the road to help advertise that Holsworthy is open for business.”